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Domain Names

Free Domain Names
Free Domain Names are sometimes available from certain providers, and are usually in the form of [yourname.website2.me]. A domain name in this format is also known as a subdomain.

Although a subdomain is free and functional on the Internet, it has its limitations:
  • Your professional image will not be as strong as having a custom domain name.
  • It is not easy for your visitors to find your website, as now they need to remember your website name as well as your host's URL.
  • You will not be able to transfer the subdomain to another web host.
Free site builder plans with Website.com provide you with a free subdomain so you can start building your online presence right away! However, when you are ready to take your online presence to the next step, you will need a professional domain name.

The good news? All Website.com premium plans include professional domain names in your plan - for free.